Monday, December 7, 2009

The Ratification of our Constitution

Today is the anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America by Delaware, the first state to take that step. I decided to start this blog finally after engaging in a debate with a group of right leaning Americans who are so opposed to our current president that they have jumped on the political bandwagon of branding him a non-citizen in order to cast doubt not on his credibility, but his credentials. It is so reminiscent of the pandemonium which ensued after George Bush won the presidency in 2000.

I believe that the enormity of the division in our nation began with President Clinton and his controversial relationship with Monica Lewinsky. That was the beginning of the absolute disrespect for the office of the President of the United States. George Bush was labeled an "appointed president" by the leftists and now Obama is labeled a socialist and a non-American.

I am a centrist. I am not necessarily an advocate and certainly not a member of the Centrist Party. I am a true political centrist. My philosophy is that the waves of political leadership are beneficial to all Americans. If we were governed solely by the leftists we would end up with every American being supported and employed by the government. Taxes would be high and businesses would leave for other countries where it was cheaper to operate. However, if we were governed solely by the right wingers we would end up with an American caste system. The poor would be governed by necessity to the servitude of the wealthy.

I am also a Christian and much of my political view is based on my faith. I am opposed to abortion and I am an advocate of abstinance education. However, I am cautious in those things I advocate on the basis of my faith because I love my own religious freedom and would not want someone else to infringe upon my faith practices. I am not opposed to homosexual marriage in the legal sense although I do believe that homosexuality is a sin. I love homosexuals as I'm sure Christ does. Jesus came and ate with prostitutes. I believe that the Christian impact on sinners should not be legal or political, but relational.

I just wanted to kick off this blog with a statement about myself and my gratefulness for the diversity of political views in this great nation. I'm sure that if we took the opportunity to compare the views of the original signers of the Constitution we would see great diversity in their views as well. I do not have any illusions af grandeur that suspect this blog will bring about the unity of America, but that is my prayer. I believe that if this nation ever falls it will not be to an outside enemy, but to the internal enemy of apathy. It will be because Americans are no longer voting for positions, values or even people. We are voting for letters, colors and animals. R vs. D. Red vs. Blue. Elephants and Donkeys. If we cannot get past the sporting event mentality in our political process we are doomed to corruption and division.

God bless America!!

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